Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I can Finally Prove THAT THERE IS NO GOD- Do You want Irrefutable Proof that Jesus and all prophets

I have a genius mind and presently am reading Michners "Space" about the brilliant minds that came together to bring the US into orbit. It is while reading entense subject matter that one finds contemplative reasoning makes for investigative calculation; and so I have derived 2 things 1) That theres is No God or 2)That he is not a loving god-but the first will be relevant to appease the second. Your God is The Creator of ALL Things YOU say-he has given you a choice and with that choice you are going to be judged for eternity in Either Heaven or Hell-What is Eternity? It is a period of time-Time infinite-and according to the principles in time infinity goes as far forward as it does in reverse-IF GOD ENDED THE WORLD TODAY-Time would not be important any longer because GOD being God would not be constrained by TIME-WOULD HE? And so a Loving God could turn back the clock and redirect your path and show you how to be righteous. Not Even Your God Can Do That-He Too IS CONSTRAINED By Time!

I can Finally Prove THAT THERE IS NO GOD- Do You want Irrefutable Proof that Jesus and all prophets R LIARS?microsoft internet explorer

The Holy Bible has an answer to you and host of people like you. Read Psalms 14

I can Finally Prove THAT THERE IS NO GOD- Do You want Irrefutable Proof that Jesus and all prophets R LIARS?microsoft downloads internet explorer

Wow thats a pretty smart way of proving how stupid you are
So your knowledge comes from someone else? That is definitely interesting.
"I have a genius mind"

Well,I need some evidence of that.I am sure you are very smart but...i dont really know if you are a genius.

You have very good points.Thanks for pointing them out!I'll think on that.

But-calling people liars is not nice and does not help you get your point across smoothly!I would try a different approach next time!
I agree. You should write a book on all your findings.
I agree that there is no God. Right on.
Wow, you really got a lot of hate and anger inside.

By the way, what's your question??
Jesus revealed God%26gt; he is the only path to god, at judgement everyone will get a chance to accept or reject jesus as lord and savior%26gt; God is very forgiving, we must repent and try to start over...if God sees that we try to live good lives we have a chance of entering heaven, but only through Jesus Christ! peace.
Yeah.... Way to Prove to a bunch of pre-pubescent teenagers and blondes your theory.

I'm sure that will go a looooong way. ;)
what the hell

this isnt a question

gosh your abusing this resource
I would have to say that you are just as bad as the christians that force their morality down others throat.

and why do you feel the need to control what i believe?
you are wrong... this is too much for me to expain. ask God for forgiveness. ask Him to show you the answer to this problem. but... YOU ARE WRONG. i'm so sorry to say this. ask Jesus to come into your life. i will keep you in my prayers. i hope that you will see that you're wrong.

God bless.

and God loves you soooooooo much, how could you say all this about Him?
Sorry man. My average mind isn't picking up what you're laying down. No more "stream of consciousness" posts please!
Wow! you're so smart...maybe you are God.
Yep, either god is evil or doesn't exist. The latter of course being more likely.

Either way, it's impossible to worship a nonexistent and an evil being doesn't deserve worship.
A fool says there is no God. If you believe that God is constrained by time, you are mistaken; however, He has given us free will and has set forth for us a time in which to choose our direction. The time is our constraint, not God's.

ok genius...

when you derive two things... it is 1... AND 2... not 1.. or 2...

the former develops two things while the latter case develops only 1...

yes.. you are so clever that you totally confused yourself in your answer and ran in circles chasing your own tail...

a few punctuation marks would make your comments a bit less ambiguous... but you will learn about those next year in 8th grade.
so basically. you didnt prove or disprove anything to me. you just kinda confused the hell outta me
If God kept you from doing wrong, how would you ever learn what was right? What good is free will if God stops it to make someone's life a lttle better? Without suffering there would be no compassion, so in order for us to have compassion God has to let us suffer.

And I want my money said you could prove that there is no God, then you said that God could exist, but we're just wrong about his nature...
I dont know what youre talking about ok.

why do you spend your time trying to find ways to convince people that god doeanst exist??? find something better to do.

Let people decide for themselves what they want to believe and live by it. whats it to you anyway. leave it alone
You sad little what point in all of this research of yours did you lose your damn mind? The bible is metaphorical, not literal you jackass.
Even if I did understand all that you wrote (I don't, therefore I guess I'm not a genius like you), I would still believe in God. Too much has happened in my life for me to NOT believe. It gives me comfort and it keeps me on a path.
you sound like you are directing this towards the large group of people in the world that have been misguided and believe in Christianity. You are correct in that there is no Heaven or Hell. and although I do not believe in God the same way that Christians do, he does exist. instead of going to one of these places (like heaven or hell) that were made up by Christian leaders very long ago to control people. we get another chance, we come back to earth and should try and learn as much as we can again. Why don't you talk to God and not what you think is the Christian god that you are denying. The higher power that you believe in. Ask what God thinks. God is not a certain religion, it is the people who are religious. Religion should be destroyed so that people can be free from the spiritual restrictions of it. Anyone who stays in an organized religion, is only holding themselves back spiritually, like the leaders of the church are trying to do to them. this goes for all religions.

by they way you have a good theory, but why do you think you are a genius? just because you have a good theory, does not make you better than everyone else.

blessed be.
Anyone who opens a paragraph with "I have a genius mind..." is a simple Mensa-poser. You paid much money for the ACID you took in hopes of a "revelation". Go get your money back.
1. Humble yourself.

2. God already sent his Son to die for us giving us a second chance so even if time were reversed people like you would still not accept Him.

3. You should not expect anything of God except what He said He would do because He created you.
There is a God its so sad when people are so lost and blinded from the truth. And there is going to come a day when you will be judged all the things you say if I were you. You need to repent and ask Jesus to come into your heart. Ask the Lord to help you to understand his words. You need the Lord in your life.
Yes, You should write a book, then we can burn it... j/k

I don't think you've fully grasped god's relationship to space-time. And your point are all old arguments just said in so many words. You're just saying that if god can do anything, and he loves people, why doesn't he save everyone? That's all you're saying.

You're not a genius mind, you're just some schmoe with a thesaurus.
You can finally prove that there is no god? Finally eh? ...Im sorry it has taken you some time to prove something that WILL NOT DO YOU ANY GOOD AT ALL... the GOD is within YOU, not whithin books , or other peoples opinions....How can this "DISCOVERY" help you at all? Does it make you feel less lied to?

The only thing you have finally discovered my friend is:

The longest way to walk your life path!
Well, the only thing you have proven is that you do not understand what eternity is. Eternity is not time. Time has a beginning, it began when space and matter was first created, way back in Genesis 1:1. Eternity is an entirely different dimension of existence. I can't say much more than that since I have never experienced it. But I believe it will be a mistake to project our notion of finite time into eternity as infinite time, where time in eternity means the same as time in our experience. The sense of time in eternity realms would likely be different from our current experience of it. As finite beings we live in time. At death, as spirit beings we live outside of time. God, who created time, is outside of time. He can choose to enter into our time-space and work in our time-space, but He is not limited to our time-space. In fact, He transcends it.
Even Einstein with his relativity theory proved the existence of God; and now you came up with your irrelativity theory???? Wow, tis interesting! Suppose time creates the universe? Or are you saying that everything creates itself? Ok, Ok, so you're against God; but doesn't rule out that if time carries its own weight and space bears its own then time and space get married resulting in timeless and spaceless entities, such as you, me, and the rest of the world.

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