Sunday, November 29, 2009

Whenever i turn on internet explorer, i get an error report.?

the error reports details say: AppName: iexplore.exe AppVer: 7.0.6000.16574 ModName: mshtml.dll

ModVer: 7.0.6000.16587 Offset: 000c6295

if i hit send or dont send, the browser shuts down. the only way to stop it is to not hit anything and move it out of the way.

if you can answer this , use simplistic terms, as i am no computer wiz.

Whenever i turn on internet explorer, i get an error report.?windows xp sp2

No simple answer but here is the troubleshooter you can follow:

Whenever i turn on internet explorer, i get an error report.?microsoft sql server internet explorer

Switch to Mozilla Firefox . . . you'll be glad you did . . . try it
This means that you have a virus. I get it all the time thres nothing you can really do. I click send.
i dont use or trust internet explorer unless i have to. try reinstalling it (link below)

firefox is a much better browser, i recommend you make this your default browser (link below)

hope this helps
i am also having the same probs.nothing u can do.just swotch to firefox .its much better and faster

Why doesIexplore error appear whenever I double click the internet explorer icon?

Whenever I double click the internet explorer icon, an Iexplore box pops up which contain the following message "This program has performed an illegal operation and will be shut down". When I look at the details of the error, it says " Iexplore caused an invalid page fault in module GEJD9J3JR.DLL. Can you tell me what's wrong with it?

Why doesIexplore error appear whenever I double click the internet explorer icon?microsoft internet explorer

if you upgraded your internet explorer,, try replacing your shortcut with the new one.. or go Start%26gt;All programs%26gt;internet explorer..

Why doesIexplore error appear whenever I double click the internet explorer icon?microsoft downloads internet explorer

GEJD9J3JR.DLL is corrupted, therefore whenever its opened microsoft does the usual thing and terminates related processes.

To fix this problem you'll need to reinstall internet explorer.

Or you can download a registry cleaner/fixer, which usually fixes problematic dlls.
dont bother with internet explorer it sucks and its most targeted by hackers use MozillaFirefox

Why Internet explorer gave me an error in the yahoo browser when I'm tray to attach a file in e

something you did try resetting your browser and cleanout your cookies..

Why Internet explorer gave me an error in the yahoo browser when I'm tray to attach a file in email compose ?windows xp service

try resetting web settings and restoring defaults

Why Internet explorer gave me an error in the yahoo browser when I'm tray to attach a file in email compose ?microsoft xp internet explorer

file is in use maybe,,,

My Internet explorer is showing certificate error for some can i solve this problem?

pls rply soon

My Internet explorer is showing certificate error for some can i solve this problem?windows vista ultimate

By not using internet explorer... use firefox.

My Internet explorer is showing certificate error for some can i solve this problem?default browser internet explorer

It really depends on what sites you are visiting and what certificate error you are getting.

Your browser will generally give you a certificate error on sites that contain malicious scripts and / or have certificates that are suspicious or revoked..

I would also suggest that you try running windows update to ensure you have the latest security patches... including internet explorer.. this may also resolve your issue.

Good Luck
it is not that their is something wrong with the sites though their maybe but it is doing that becuase your virus protector is scanning the encryption connection which ie detects as certificate having an error. if you turned your virus protector off you would not have this message but you are better off leaving the virus protector on because if their is really something wrong with the certificate your virus protector should be able to detect it better then ie will
i recommend you to download firefox which is way better than internet explorer here is the website

My Internet explorer keeps saying a error has occured + needs to end now then goes off?

its been happening for the last 2 months theres no pattern to it, its just as + when it feels like it but quite often does anyone know why this is + can anyone tell me how i find out what version of it im using + how i find out if there is a upgrade avalible

My Internet explorer keeps saying a error has occured + needs to end now then goes off?microsoft net framework

How annoying is that, I feel like putting the thing in the bin when that happens. I think PC's have a fit now and then without any apparent reason, as there's nothing wrong with my PC

My Internet explorer keeps saying a error has occured + needs to end now then goes off?windows xp themes internet explorer

hey mine does that alot too! not too sure why? think it may be due to spy ware as it tends to happen if I'm running lots of programs at once as well. so think when a spy ware is working and I'm online downloading a page or something its crashes because to much is going on??? this is just a guess though!
You're getting errors because IE generates them. This is because Microsoft hates you.

To find your version, when IE is open, click "Help" and then "About"

Firefox counts as an upgrade from IE. You may find it here
if you're using internet explorer 6 and running XP then go here for an upgrade ot internet explorer 7

have you defragged and run chkdsk lately not doing so can cause unexpected crashes
you might have a low threat virus. maybe something you downloaded of the internet. a adware virus it makes your system slow . search your computer under the C:\program files\2.bin i was experiencing these problems my self and sure enough there was my problem. if you can installe macaf trend micro pc cillin.. hope it helps..
everybody has trouble with that in ie6. it's just a bug. when that happens drag the error box down below the bottom of the screen keep on surfing the web. do not click any buttons.

be smart and get firefox. then get a plugin called fasterfox to speed it up
Have you tried Firefox?

I find it much more stable than IE and its free
I read a while ago that they shut down because of security issues my bt browser used to do it a lot it's annoying but better than trashing your computer

Why won't Internet Explorer run on my Vista computer?

Whenever I try to open Internet Explorer, I get a runtime error message for the program iexplore.exe. It started as an intermittent problem, but has now become chronic. Mozilla works fine. Since this has been happening, I also get a message when I am shutting down about MSASCui.exe. It says that Instruction at 0x03035ac0 referenced memory at oxo3o35ac0. The memory could not be read. I wrote to MS about the problem and got a reply that I could pay them goobles of money to talk to a tech person either by phone or chat, or I could contact my comp manufacturer. I am running Vista Home Premium, which means that I can't just reinstall IE, since it is part of the Vista package. My comp is a Toshiba laptop purchased new in January with Vista on it. Has anyone else had this problem? How do I fix it without spending goobles of money?

Why won't Internet Explorer run on my Vista computer?ireland

Since you bought the PC in January, it should still be under warranty by Toshiba, which means they should be providing you with free technical support for both Vista and IE7. You can call them at 1 800 457 7777.

This is definitely a problem with the PC itself, although whether it is specific to IE7 or a Vista issue I can't tell you. I do internet tech support for a living, and we are not trained, licensed, or authorized to provide this kind of fixes for other people's software; to say more would be either speculation or stupidity on my part and you might violate that warranty if I was mistaken...

Good luck with Toshiba; they are usually pretty good about these things.

Why won't Internet Explorer run on my Vista computer?microsoft outlook internet explorer

i dun't no how to fix it but u could always get a new broswer.get Mozilla Firefox, it's free.

install it and use it. don't waste time on I.E. no more
MSASCUI.EXE = Windows Defender

Try disabling Windows Defender and see if IE will run. You can disable it in Control Panel %26gt; Security Options. Click on Windows Defender, then Tools in the toolbar. Select Options. Scroll down the list and disable real-time protection. Scroll a little further down and uncheck the "Use Windows Defender" option under Administrator options.

If IE will run after disabling, you may have a plugin installed that Defender doesn't like. From then, I would say call the computer manufacturer and have them help you determine which plugin is causing the problem. They have snarkles of money to spend and figure it out.
Well, maybe, you need to download internet Explorer 7. I know for ra fact that IE6 won't run on Vista. Although, not many things DO run on vista.
Yeah i would update your internet elxplorer using windows update

PLEASE PLEASE HELP - Is anyone else getting an Error on Page Message since upgrading to Internet Exp

SInce I upgraded to Internet Explorer 7, every time that I adjust the text in the search field after performing a search with Yahoo!7 (eg to correct spelling or to add a new word) I get an error on page warning on the bottom left hand corner. This problem does not occur in the US or UK versions of Yahoo. The error message states the following:

Line: 122,

Char: 1,

Error: Object Expected,

Code: 0,

URL: http:??

Has anyone else encounted this?

PLEASE PLEASE HELP - Is anyone else getting an Error on Page Message since upgrading to Internet Explorer 7?windows vista

This might not be the answer you are looking for, but uninstall IE7 and download firefox.

PLEASE PLEASE HELP - Is anyone else getting an Error on Page Message since upgrading to Internet Explorer 7?windows defender internet explorer

I had IE 7 and it ran like crap. It made things slow and gave errors. I unloaded it..... do the same....
no,but on my home page it say my normal home page is missing to use the one they gave me until mine can be found
Definitely go with Firefox - it does nothing but work properly. Internet Explorer should get buried.
