Friday, November 20, 2009

Would senators and congressmen still run if they were paid nothing.?

I have a feeling with all the funds and boards they direct money to they would be more then happy to do it for nothing .THEY create multi million dollar orginazations which family and friends serve on who collect generous payment for sitting on .

These groups are funded by taxes and fines collected from everyday tax payers .

WOULD you work for free at one job if you created another job that paid you 100's of thousands for the rest of your life .

BEING elected is a lisence to steal from tax payers .OK maybe not steal but redirect funds and increase revenues to support thse groups formed by our elected officials.

Would senators and congressmen still run if they were paid nothing.?default browser

Some would, you propose a good idea. Their salaries should be directed into social program for the communities in which they serve.

Would senators and congressmen still run if they were paid nothing.?microsoft word download internet explorer

Sure they would still have all those bribes and freebies, oh excuse me I mean campaign funds and fact finding trips.
At least they are spending time doing it and not just sitting on their as**s waiting for a feaking hand out.
It does not take a genius to understand politicians spend more getting elected than they earn. The real money is the bribes and perks of office. Our system has become so contaminated with corruption and greed that it is almost useless. The question is not is is good for America but will it pay more than the alternative. Time to get rid of the lawyers and career politicians and return to the commoners running things. There should be term limits on congressmen and senators like there is on the president.

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