He was very easy to crate train and lets us know when he has to go out.Maybe we are over stimulating with to much attention.He seems to think we are playing when we pet him. We do try to redirect his attention when he chews. I do remind myself that he is still a very young puppy. He is a mix of lab and rottweiler ( we think). When we sit in the couch he trys to jump up to be with us . When he does this we say down and and praise when he stops . Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks
My 7 week old puppy is biting everything in sight including me. He has several toys . Best way to stop this ?microsoft updates
Is he biting or mouthing? There is a big difference! He is a very young puppy and everything is playing to him. Make sure he has plenty of things to teethe on, this is going to go on for quite a while! This said, you cannot accept him biting or mouthing you. Growl at him, like a low gutteral growl when he tries to bite you. That is what his mother would have done and what he understands. Substitute a chew toy for whatever he's biting that's unacceptable. If he's totally wound up and doesn't respond to the above, it's time for a time out in his crate. This is going to be a big dog and you need to start teaching him what's acceptable now. When he's 12 weeks or so, enroll him in puppy classes. It's for socialization as much as learning commands. Then go on to obedience one. It is a kindness to your dog (and you!). Remember too, that labs usually act like puppies until they are 2-3 years old. They are very high energy and need nice long walks 2-3 times daily. Good luck!
My 7 week old puppy is biting everything in sight including me. He has several toys . Best way to stop this ?windows server 2003 internet explorer
there is no way to stop this it is inevitable because the puppy is teething and while teething puppies chew alot !
Yelp then GENTLY roll him on his back and hold him there untill he calms down, dont yell at him, just stare him directly in the eyes the entire time. After he calms down, praise him. This shows him that you have total control over him and he gets rewarded for submitting.
I have the same problem srry i cant help ya. good luck
he is probably teething and this phase will pass. Hopefully before he chews through a wall or something
I gave my puppy ice chips to numb the gums. now, at 4 months, he thinks that it's a treat. My 11 month old puppy lays on top of the ice.
I found puppy toys that are freeze-able and that helps.
redirecting is good, I would yelp like a puppy and he would stop.
My dog is 1 year 3 months and part Lab part sheppard. We had the same problems and we tried everything. Nothing worked expect for time, the old she got the better she got. It is not a problem now but believe me, there were more than a few times that I was sorry we got the dog. I dont feel that way now though.
i read in numerous places that Labs are very immature dogs and take longer to grow up than other breads. I would have to say that they are correct.
Welcome to that wonderful puppy stage. I hate to tell you this, but lots of labs chew forever. I would suggest that you keep his toys at hand. When he chews something he shouldn't, give a firm no and redirect to his toy. It will be a long process as teething hurts, but so do those little needle like teeth. Good luck. My lab chewed through cupboards, doors, etc.....so stay on top of it.
You are describing two separate problems. First chewing confusion is created when the pup thinks it is ok to chew on all objects. People go out and purchase 19 different toys and so the pup thinks it is ok to chew on everything. You must purchase 8 or 9 identical chew objects (KONGs whick look like little rubber beehives are best) Everytime the pup chews on the incorrect object hand it the correct chew object and take away the other one even if it is something you don't care about like an old magazine. You must be disciplined and not ever let the pup chew on anything else. Eventually the pup will seek out the correct chew object the more of them you have the easier it will be for him to find one. There are many solutions to his biting your fingers Oftentimes emitting a loud shriek and quickly taking your fingers away will work well. I am a vet and this advice should help
When he tries to chew on you or your hand...Let out a little squeal or squeak...He will think you are crying and he will stop...Do this everytime he bites....He will quit...believe me, this really works..Sounds like you are doing everything else right....Good luck with your little guy and keep on praising him when he is good...
I have a lab mix (7 wks old when I got him now 2yrs). He did the same thing. I tell you exactly what my vet (boss) told me: If he starts to chew on you let him, just let him know when he gets to hard. This seemed to cut back on him trying to chew on other personal things (including furniture). Him chewing is his teething. Make sure you have plenty of toys, rawhides, do not give hoofs (will cause broken teeth) or pig ears (too much grease will cause diarihea). Also a great trick that I used: take a hand towel and get it wet then put it in the freezer. Make sure you supervise him because the towel can shred and cause obstruction, but it is great while frozen.
When you pet him and he trys to play tell him no, wait till he calms down then do this again.
When telling a dog "down" this is ok if you do not plan on teaching him the down position or calling it something else. If you use down to mean " get down" do not use it for down position (lie down) this will confuse him. Say no jump (get down) or lay (down position).
yup, this is typical puppy behavior. my 10-week-old puppies chewed everything in site, from shoes to plants to the kitchen woodwork! give your pup plenty of chew toys and discipline him when he chews something he shouldn't. try to keep everything chewable out of reach -- including power cords. and if the dog tries to chew on your fingers, gently forbid him. most puppies outgrow this phase... after the first YEAR! good luck!
You just have to keep on correcting he, hundreds of times, not dozens. Provide sturdy, safe toys such as Kongs and Nylabones. Avoid things he can chew pieces off and choke on he. Keep he away from electrical cords.
Young Labs/rottweiler, and other puppies tend to very bad about biting. You see a litter of he, and all the ones that are awake are biting another one or themselves.
At 3 to 4 months he a getting his adult teeth, and it seems they spend every waking moment biting or chewing.
One thing you can do at that stage is to knot and wet a piece of cloth. Then freeze it. The cooling will soothe the gums. Only let the puppy have it when you are there to watch it.
I maintain a Lab's favorite chew toy. Otherwise they settle for any person they can.
He keep hoping to find one that won't yelp and jerk their hand away, or growl "Bad dog." and clamp his mouth shut. Then offer a chew toy. He keep trying despite hundreds of corrections.
Another good technique is to quit playing or quickly either walk away, but calmly isolate the puppy until he is calm.
If it happens again (the second he starts growling or trying to bite) I would place your hand around the puppy's muzzle and give her a very firm "no!". This will tell him that his behavior is unacceptable. He may be a dominant pup and that is something you want to get a handle on right away. It may not work right then but continue doing it and give him treats if he does it right
Jason Homan
Visit http://www.dogsvets.net you may find anwer of your query
You are doing well by letting him know when it is time to stop. He is only 7 weeks old and like any human infants puppy of his age will chew on anything it seems chewable. (For instance: my four puppies eat up all the food and chewed away on the aluminum plate, the plate was half when I realized it.) And also like any infant they too will stop biting things once they are about 6 months to 1 years of age. The only way to stop it is to put him away in a cage, but I don't think you bought him for that. Of course if his bites seem too strong on your hand you must let him know by slapping him lightly on his face but do remember, never pull (for instance) your hand away when his bite gives you a pain. He is only play full and will learn every time you let him know when it is pain full. At one time we had 7 dogs of which 4 were puppies.
ways to make your dog stop biting
1. yelp when he bites you and act like you are in pain. it may sound stupid but when puppies play and one gets accidentially hur that is exactly what they do.
2. when your dog bites you stick your hand in his mouth and push down on his tounge until he either: gags, yelps, or tries in some way to spit out your hand. this is the fastest way to go about doing it.
ways to make your dog stop jumping up
when they jupm up hold their front paws and make them keep standing. sqeeqe thei paw and literally make them ballroom dance with you. if this is not effective you can also step on their back toes very lightly.
all of these things may sound a bit harsh, but they won't hurt your dog. it is important that you establish first thing that you are the boss, these are some things you can go about doing to establish that. other wise you will have big problems later. if you are not the boss your dog will not listen to you, and when he is chasing a sqirrel into the street....
but do not be discouraged, it sounds like you are off to a good start, these problems are small and can be dealt with quickly and you will have an excelent dog.
Good Luck!
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